Friday, August 9, 2013

Common Guinea Pig Conditions

If you are the proud who owns a guinea pig then you already realized how weak your guinea pig can be. Guinea pigs are also prone to illnesses. Below you will find a small list of the typical symptoms that your guinea pork could show.

Watery Discharge from small Nose and Sneezing

It is absolutely not uncommon for guinea pigs to become allergic to their own bedding. It this were to happen it would be best to change out their bedding to ascertain if this makes a alternation in their symptoms. Better still it would be best to remove your guinea pig at the moment area altogether.

If your guinea pig shows signs of a watery discharge back and forth from his/her nose or around their nose and they also are rubbing on it, then it would be a good idea to have your vet try them out.


If your pet is coughing this is usually a sign of them having hire a respiratory infection of virtually every kind or another. If they are coughing continuously or it is accompanied by wheezing actually labored breathing you need to make sure and contact your veterinarian straight away. In all likelihood at this moment the vet will probably advice that you bring your pet in for an exam to be performed.

Wheezing & Labored Breathing

If have him is experiencing any characteristic of a respiratory infection they want to gain prompt medical attention. It would be best to take for you to your veterinarian quickly if the sound is the case. Wheezing can be a sign of congestion in her own lungs and this could turn entering pneumonia if it were not treated.


If your guinea pig starts to scratch excessively this is a sign of a fungal infection or may be parasites.

You will go to tell is it can be described as parasite when you tooth brush your guinea pig. While brushing notice particularly when their skin shows any symptoms of lice. Lice are brown in color and very tiny. If by chance your dog or cat does have lice you will need to get a medicated shampoo for DE-lousing from your very own veterinarian. Also remember that when it is parasites their cage and any bedding will need to be treated as well.

White or Milky Urine

Guinea pigs urinate is slightly milky in color and that's completely normal. However if by chance their urine becomes tremendously clear, white or cloudy this is often a sign that he/she includes a high content of calcium in her own diet.

Red or Pink Urine Color

If you discover your guinea pigs piss is pink or red in color this is often very serious. This is a sign of blood being in your sweetheart urine. If this is the situation that is a large symptom of bladder stones.

Extremely Soft Stool or perhaps Diarrhea

If your guinea pig is affected with diarrhea this is types. If this is the big event your pet could die within time periods. Again, your pet requires prompt attention inside veterinarian.

Hair Loss

Hair loss tend to be caused from several motives including mites. If your pet have been completely bit or gotten a cut somehow that cause their hair falling out in that area. If this sounds like the case then the correct answer is normal for hair loss to take place.

If your pet has a huge hair thinning over their body this is caused from ring red wigglers. It could also be from ovarian cysts.

If the hair loss they are experiencing is definitely not from a bite or perhaps a cut, then you with regard to children contact your veterinarian and just see what they recommend that occurs.

These are just few of the symptoms that guinea pigs can teach. By weighing and keeping track of your pets weight on a weekly basis can also be useful to your guinea pigs overall healthiness.


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