Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Preventive Properties of FoxNut (Euryale Ferox) ; Makhana

The plant foxnut is one of the family Nymphaeaceae. It is also known as "Makhana" in India. It grows in water and appear in India, Korea, Japan and Russia.

Fox nut plant falls short of stem. It has widen round leaves and provides bright purple flowers. For all of your plant is covered products small thorns (kantaka). Tiger woods leaves of fox nut plant have green high surface and purple not getting sun lower surface. This plant produces fruits which are about in a small orange. Each fruit contains 8-10 seeds in which may be of pea size.

According to texts of the company's ayurveda foxnut or makhana styles sweet( madhura rasa) it truly is heavy to digest (guru). Zinc improves moisture level in extra weight tissues (snigdha and sheeta veerya).

Medicinal properties of makhana

The seeds of foxnut have to put out in ayurvedic preparations. He nut alleviates vata this type of pitta dosha. It strengthens the heart and can be chosen in in anemia. Makhana increases quality and quantity of semen, prevents premature sexual climax, increases libido and helps with female infertility. It is a crucial ingredient of herbal preparations regarding erectile dysfunction. It strengthens body and increases vitality. Because of its aphrodisiac properties it is especially grouped under vrishyadi varga. The herbs under this group have to put out in vajikarana therapy.

The texts of ayurveda feel properties of foxnut or makhanna the following:

"makhannam snigdhavrishyam cha garbhasamsthapakam param |

Vatapitta haram balyam sheetam pittasradaahanut ||"

Makhanna profit stickiness of secretions by increasing level of moisture in body. Hence zinc improves quality and quantity of semen and useful in impotence. It helps to extend the fertility in women and reduces vata and pitta. It strengthens the body and reduces burning experience of and quenches thirst.

Uses of Fox fanatic or makhana in complementary healthcare systems

According to principles of naturopathy fox nut or Makhana is required to strengthen spleen immediately after kidneys. It is indicated in questions like spermatorrhea, premature ejaculation, neuralgia, urinary incontinence, chronic diarrhea etc. For you to herbalists it is helpful in preventing early discharge of semen and restores gorgeous vigor in older men (because this particular property the fox nut is categorized under Vajikarana dravyas positioned in texts of ayurveda). Makhana is helpful for conditions like arthritis, erectile dysfunction and premature aging. This herb has antioxidants and helps in the digestive system, rejuvenates respiratory system this type of prevents frequent urination.


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