Friday, January 3, 2014

Five Common Symptoms of Thyroid Problems

If you are reading this page you are probably wondering if you are created in Graves' Disease and Hyperthyroidism. Most people have just a few of the symptoms, but they're very representative and ground breaking, such as, heart palpitations if they are not a result of normal physical activity, menstrual period that has been the same for years and also you are experiencing changes, losing some weight without any client reason. In those cases- I'd personally say trust your intuition and if you feel that something may be dreadful, it's better to check and discover earlier than later.

As Graves' Disease and Hyperthyroidism are usually "booked" for women 45-55 years old, and this also generally period when a lot of them get into menopause, all the symptoms is usually mistaken for menopause warnings, or panic attack hooked up symptoms, or just nervousness attributed to stress.

If you find that you have 3-5 of these symptoms present, you should inform your doctor and insist you are using further tests.

1. Excessive sweating
2. Heat intolerance
3. Increased bowel movements
4. Tremor (usually fine shaking)
5. Rapid heart rate
6. Weight loss
7. Decreased concentration
8. Pretibial myxedema (lumpy, reddish-colored thickening of the skin, usually on the shins)
9. Weakness
10. Shortness of breath
11. Double vision
12. Muscle wasting
13. Mental impairment, memory lapses, diminished attention span
14. Brittle nails
15. Diminished sex drive
16. Abnormal breast augmentation (men)
17. Goiter (enlarged thyroid gland gland)
18. Nervousness, agitation
19. Trembling hands
20. Irritability
21. Fatigue
22. Insomnia (inability to get enough sleep)
23. Diarrhea
24. Protruding eyeballs (Graves' disease only)
25. Decrease in menstrual periods (oligomenorrhea), Irregular and scant menstrual party (Amenorrhea)
26. Eye irritation
27. Change in the sex drive
28. Hair loss
29. Increased sweating
30. Heat intolerance
31. Unexplained weight losses despite increased appetite
32. Itchy skin, hives
33. Heart palpitations
34. Memory loss
35. Restlessness
36. Tachycardia (rapid heart rate: 100-120 beats per min, or higher)
37. Arrhythmia (irregular heart beat)
38. Elevated blood pressure
39. Erratic behavior
40. Chronic sinus infections
41. Eye pain, irritation, or an impression of grit or sand confident enough eyes
42. Swelling or redness of eyes or eyelids/eyelid retraction
43. Sensitivity to light
44. Difficulty conceiving/infertility/recurrent miscarriage
45. Hypertension
46. Lumpy, reddish skin of the bottom legs (pretibial myxedema)
47. Smooth, velvety skin
48. Increased appetite
49. Increased energy
50. Muscle weakness (especially covering the large muscles of a perfect arms and legs) and degeneration

Out of the 50 symptoms there are 5 that usually stand out and in certain cases the doctor can prescribe a diagnose based on their business, and of course require further thyroid blood tests to confirm the correctness of acquire diagnose. These 5 very specific symptoms are as follows:

1. Protruded, watery eye, light-sensitive, sand feeling
2. Palpitations and breathlessness, especially when resting
3. Significant weight loss, but increased appetite
4. Insomnia or trouble sleeping
5. Emotional sensitivity, irritability

If you have any of the above mentioned symptoms, please consult your family practitioner so the corresponding thyroid tests will be achieved, usually your TSH, FT3 and FT4 will do to determine that a hyperthyroid condition or Grave's disease.


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