Monday, April 22, 2013

Do not eat the Peels of Five Different kinds of Food

Many people think that several of nutrients in the peels of fruits and veggies, so they tend to consume the peels of any veggies and fruits. However, they rarely realize that your peels of some kinds of fruits and vegetables boasts some harmful substances, which would easily lead to illnesses or food poisoning. Truth, we should avoid foodstuffs the peels of these veggies and fruits.

First, potato peel
Potato remove contains "glycoalkaloids", which, when accumulate to a certain amount in the bloodstream, will lead to feeding on poisoning. Because this is a very common chronic poisoning, so what the problem is are not very independent. As a result, it definitely neglected by people.

Second, sweet potato peel
Sweet potato peel contains a number of alkaline, so eating too much it may cause intestinal discomfort. If there are some brown and dark dark spots on the sweet spud peel, it indicates that sweet potato has been infected by "alternaria brassicicola", that are able to produce "sweet potato ketone" as well as in "sweet potato ketol". When these two substances enter into your own body, they will damage if your liver and cause accumulation. Mild poisoning may influence nausea, Vomiting And Diarrhea. But in case it is serious, it might can cause high fever, headache, about asthma, seizures, coma and mainly death.

Third, persimmon peel
When an persimmon is unripe, the tannic acid is mainly inside the pulp of persimmon; while or even persimmon is ripe, the tannin acid is targeted in the peel all of them persimmon. After the tannic acid enters into human body, under the effect of stomach acid, it will have chemical reaction using just the protein in the lean meats, and produce the sediment--persimmon mountain, which may lead to various kinds of diseases.

Fourth, ginkgo peel
The peel of course ginkgo contains some contaminants, such as "ginkgolic acid", "hydrogenated ginkgolic acid", "ginkgo alcohol", along with. When these substances go into human body, they will damage the the actual and cause poisoning. As being a, it is also inappropriate to consume too much cooked ginkgo pulp anytime.

Fifth, water chestnut peel
Water chestnut usually grows assuming that paddy field, so its peel can accumulate too many harmful and toxic wastes and compounds. What's more, the water chestnut peel also contains a number of parasites. If you eat the stream chestnut peel which wasn't cleaned, it may cause feeling sick and bring great harms to the body.


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