Friday, November 29, 2013

Losing exposure to Carcinogens

Reducing the exposure to carcinogens one among "Major Recommendations for health problems prevention. " The Us of a Cancer Society.
Charles Jacobson, compliance officer of the us. Consumer Product and Safety Commission on store shelves of toxic chemicals, divulged, "If every carcinogenic chemical were banned, there would be hardly any products in the market. "

Do you know anyone who is troubled by respiratory medical problems, liver damage, kidney meets, chest pains, rashes, lightheadedness , misunderstandings, convulsions, shortness of oxygen, vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, get rid of, headaches, nervousness, nausea, drowsiness, irritation of the eyes, nose, throat, and face or cancer?
Well,! It's quite possible caused by the "SEA OF CHEMICALS ONE IS LIVING IN"!

These chemicals are on hand today in most High end household products that is sold in your Grocery Shops, products that most guys have bought. At the length of time, we believed that people were safe for us to increase and around our family and home.

1: Isopropyl Alcohol detrimental, toxic & carcinogenic

2: Isopropanol pathogens like toxic & carcinogenic

3: Benzyl - (benzene) poisonous, toxic & carcinogenic

4: Swimming pool water poisonous, toxic & carcinogenic

5: Phenol same toxic & highly carcinogenic major killer the US

6: Ammonia highly detrimental & carcinogenic

7: Halogenated hydrocarbons same toxic & carcinogenic

8: Aromatic amines carcinogenic

9: Amino Azobenzene carcinogenic

10: Methylene Chloride pathogens like toxic, birth defects & carcinogenic

11: Perthloroethylene pathogens like, toxic, birth defects & carcinogenic

12: Salt Nitrite carcinogenic

13: Toluene harmful & carcinogenic

14: Xylene harmful & carcinogenic

15: Is amyl Beer toxic & carcinogenic

16: 4-Dimethylaminoazobenzene carcinogenic

17: Diethylene Glycerin poisonous

18: Diethyl Ether poisonous

19: Salt Hydroxide causes lung injure themselves & destructive effect at tissue

20: Sodium Hypochlorite bleaches) detrimental & toxic

21: Borax toxic

22: Muriatic Acid poisonous & toxic

23: Phosphorus same poisonous & toxic (explosive)

24: Dichlorine monoxide very first toxic

25: Chlorine monoxide we're toxic

26: Chlorine dioxide we're toxic

27: Chlorine hex oxide we're toxic

28: Chlorine heptoxide extremely toxic

If you might need more, read "A Folks who Dictionary of Household Lawn and Office Chemicals" a good Ruth Winters.
You can find a copy at try your local library.

If you are all set to change the products you are currently using and make your home environmentally safe accessible, I can show you ways. I can also may help you make a part time or perpetual income showing others about the harmful chemicals found in household products and ways to replace the products great for carcinogens to products that have natural ingredients but effectively work.

For more information you will notice email me at tc@thewinnersteam. net or visit this free movie blog at [].

Tami Calendo

posted using Tami Calendo @ 12: up to 29 PM 0 comments


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